Gör inte mycket vettigt idag. Det har varit en lång vecka och jag är ganska glad att man kan bara vara hemma och slappa lite. Åkte pulka igår kväll igen. Vi var tvungna att skaffa en ny pulka eftersom den andra nästan brann upp, haha. Tillslut tog vi bara ett rep och huven till en bil och använde det som pulka. Sitta på en huv och bli dragen av en fyrahjuling är ganska galet. Jag har vrickat mina fötter, min näsa gör ont – jag tror jag slog i den – och jag har världens största blåmärke på min arm. Jag var tvungen att ha en motorcykelhjälm på mej eftersom jag fick så mycket snö i fejset. Allvarligt, svenska människor, ni måste testa att åka pulka som Amerikanarna gör. Det är för jävla roligt. Ska se ifall jag kan ta mej en rundtur i morgon också. På min bilddagbok finns det bilder av detta, haha. Facebook tar för lång tid för mej, mohaha.
Annars har jag inte gjort så mycket. Sitter och spannar lite på heta grannen som precis har flyttat in, han är kompis med min värdpappa men han är nästan min ålder. När det är fint väder kommer han alltid över och skjuter lite pil och båge. Har bestämt mej för att lära mig att skjuta med bil och båge till våren. Det kan alltid vara bra att veta. Dessutom gillar jag verkligen Robin Hood. Fan, jag har ju förvandlats till en bonde nu, kan lika gärna fortsätta bete mej som en.
Jag är trött på snön nu. Visst, jag älskar att åka pulka men minus 5 grader varje dag är inte roligt. Jag är redo för sommarn nu. Årets senior trip blir till St. Louis och det ska bli jätte roligt! Bara seniors och inga sophomores of freshmans, yes! Min bilddagbok är nu officiellt på gång så checka för nya bilder: www.sofiaindiana.bilddagboken.se
Vi håller också på med en ny pjäs i Drama, denna gången jobbar vi på en musikal. Music Man. Jag spelar Mrs. Eulalie McKecknie Shinn, borgmästarens fru, och i min åsikt är det den roligaste rollen i hela musikalen. Min hemkunskapslärare, Mrs. Roland, gav mej Dirty Dancing helt gratis så jag har bestämt mig för att tvinga Sheila att se den – hon har aldrig sett Dirty Dancing!
See ya!
lördag 31 januari 2009
torsdag 29 januari 2009
Weird Americans
Jag hade så roligt idag! Min värdpappa visade mej hur man åkte pulka ’the American way’. Han band fast pulkan med ett rep och sedan band hand repet i fyrhjulingen och drog mej efter. Det var så roligt! Han körde över en massa snöhögar och jag flög typ en meter upp i luften. Haha! Jag önskar jag kunde skriva mer idag men jag är trött. See ya later alligators.
Det har varit en väldigt underlig vecka, här är några roliga saker som folk säger här i America. Och lite underliga saker som jag säger.
Kirstin: In Edwards Scissorhands, why did that woman take her clothes off?
Me: I don’t know, maybe she was in love with him.
Kirstin: But it was sexually disgusting.
Kirstin: Is cheese a vegetable or a fruit?
Kirstin: So, was it a girl penis or boy penis?
Me: You did not just ask me that.
Mrs. Myers: Marginal benefits and costs. What’s the first thing you think about when you hear that?
Me: Butter.
Me: Barack Obama, oh yeah I know, cause the White House is now the Black House.
Ryan: Do you guys hunt bear in Sweden?
Me: How should I know?
Me: Aaah! Something big is glowing in the ceiling!
Sheila: Sweetie, it’s just a plastic star.
Mrs. Roland: So what do you do for fun in your country?
Me: Ha, you don’t want to know.
Sub: You’re an exchange student? Where are you from?
Sofia: Switzerland.
Sub: Really?
Sofia: No. And I don’t yodel.
Lyn (to the principal): Mr Pavey, Sweden here is checking out your subs.
Seth: Are you saying that because I am black, Sweden?
Me: Hey, dude, you offended my Swedish chocolate balls, you had it coming.
Me: Sheila and Brandi having music theory together? Someone is going to die.
Noah: Jesus is a part of you.
Leigh: He lives inside you.
Me: That’s kinky.
Me: Sheila you’re coming to Sweden and you’re gonna let loose. I mean I know Jesus is your passion and all that but can’t you leave Jesus behind for like, 1 month?
Me (to Sheila): I’m engaged, you’re engaged, we’re all engaged and happy!
Mrs. Homrich: You’re engaged?!?
Miranda: I’m getting married in 3 hours.
Me: Oh, Hahahaha.
Miranda: No… seriously.
Me: Seriously, why are you following me around? Do you want my Swedish help to enter you into holy matrimony?
Michaela and Zebadaja: NO!
Leigh: Shake what your mama gave ya!
Leigh: Just look at her! Breast-mama. Her jugs are hanging out for the whole world to see.
Me: Leigh! You have holes in your pants! Letting your legs show for the whole world to see! Bad!
Me (to Sheila): Are you physically sick or mentally sick?
Me: My husband-to-be called me last night.
Mrs. Roland: Your husband-to-be?!
Me: Yes, my betrothed. It’s a tradition in Sweden, that every girl must marry on her 21st birthday. My mother fixed me up with this man when I was three years old. I was hoping she’d forgotten about it, but then he calls me up and says he’s sending the ring over.
Mrs. Roland: Oh my God, I never knew they did that in Sweden. I figured, maybe Saudi Arabia, but Sweden?
Me: Yeah, we Swedish people might seem all liberal but deep down we’re very traditional.
Zorrell: Do you know that ‘gullible’ is not a word anymore?
Me: Really?
Zorrell: Yeah, they just took it out of the dictionary and decided it wasn’t a word anymore.
Me: That’s so weird.
Derrick: Sofia, you should join track. It’ll be fun.
Sofia: Yeah, right, my brain’s already broken; I don’t need a broken leg as well.
Me: Oh my god, I have some good news about plane tickets-
Sheila: I started my period.
Me: Aah! OH MY GOSH! Congratulations!
Ana: Leigh, are you eating for two again?
Leigh: No! I am eating for Lyn. She needs it.
Lyn: Hey!
Leigh: That’s just great. Lyn will stay skinny forever and I’ll get fat.
Leigh: I am being really healthy today.
Me: You’re eating loads of broccoli in melted cheese.
Leigh: So?
Me: There’s a difference between stupid and naïve and normal.
Lyn: Yeah, cause here in America when you’re naïve, you’re stupid. But in Sweden when you’re stupid, you’re normal.
Me: Exactly! Wait… what?
Me: We’re talking about Moses, my dog.
Leigh: Wait, you have Moses in your country but you don’t have Jesus?
Noah: It’s a gift from God.
Me: Gee, wish I had a gift from God hehe.
Carla: When I read Harry Potter I lock myself in my room and then I read the book out loud in a British accent.
Me: Woman, you are weird.
Taylor (hugging Ethan): Look Sofia, I am stealing your husband.
Me: You… home wrecker!Ethan: Honey…
Me: We’re getting a divorce.
Kirstin (to me): Your parents aren’t married? But then how can your Dad be your Dad?
Me: Kirstin, I’m gonna have to educate you.
Derrick: You actually did your homework?
Me: Um, yeah. I am proud of myself. Everybody cheated.
Derrick: I cheated.
Me: Gee, there’s a surprise.
Derrick: What’s that supposed to mean?
Me: You’re a cheater.
Me (to Leigh): Oh my god, you can not make out against the Mexican car! You can not do anything like that in the car or against the car! The Mexican car is holy, dang it!
Me (to Leigh): I so do not want to hear you babble about Seth’s hairy chest one more time.
Me (to Sheila): Okay, Jesus loves you. Jesus wants you to have fun. Jesus wants you to party.
Me: Sheila, are you lovesick?
Kirstin: You’re an artist.
Me: I prefer to be called bohemian.
Me: Lyn, I think we’re gonna have to have an intervention.
Lyn: With whom? Sheila or Noah?
Me: Both. You grab Sheila and I’ll shake some sense into Noah.
Me (to Mr Harmon, the Choir teacher): Oh my god, I need to get out of here. Give me a pass to the library. I can not go back into that choir room and sit and listen to Jared and Chris discuss their penises.
Lyn: Did you have Mountain Dew today?
Me: No… I don’t think.
Sheila: I think she had Mountain Dew.
Me: Here comes the Brookie monster.
Brooke: What did she say?
Me (looks at Noah and Sheila): I love love.
Me: So how much do you know about Sheila’s doctor visit?
Noah: I don’t know, she just said that she was going to a female doctor.
Me: Hm. That sounds suspicious.
Me: I just got called ma’am! Mrs Yocum just called me ma’am! Ma’am! I am not even legal yet!
Me: Oh, boo-hoo, poor little Derrick. The evil Swedish girl is being mean.
Derrick: Hey, I am the most sensitive guy in the world.
Me: I seriously doubt that.
Kirstin: Sofia, are you okay?
Me: I think I just broke my butt.
Ryan: Did you just cuss me out in Swedish?
Me:… No. (YES!)
Det har varit en väldigt underlig vecka, här är några roliga saker som folk säger här i America. Och lite underliga saker som jag säger.
Kirstin: In Edwards Scissorhands, why did that woman take her clothes off?
Me: I don’t know, maybe she was in love with him.
Kirstin: But it was sexually disgusting.
Kirstin: Is cheese a vegetable or a fruit?
Kirstin: So, was it a girl penis or boy penis?
Me: You did not just ask me that.
Mrs. Myers: Marginal benefits and costs. What’s the first thing you think about when you hear that?
Me: Butter.
Me: Barack Obama, oh yeah I know, cause the White House is now the Black House.
Ryan: Do you guys hunt bear in Sweden?
Me: How should I know?
Me: Aaah! Something big is glowing in the ceiling!
Sheila: Sweetie, it’s just a plastic star.
Mrs. Roland: So what do you do for fun in your country?
Me: Ha, you don’t want to know.
Sub: You’re an exchange student? Where are you from?
Sofia: Switzerland.
Sub: Really?
Sofia: No. And I don’t yodel.
Lyn (to the principal): Mr Pavey, Sweden here is checking out your subs.
Seth: Are you saying that because I am black, Sweden?
Me: Hey, dude, you offended my Swedish chocolate balls, you had it coming.
Me: Sheila and Brandi having music theory together? Someone is going to die.
Noah: Jesus is a part of you.
Leigh: He lives inside you.
Me: That’s kinky.
Me: Sheila you’re coming to Sweden and you’re gonna let loose. I mean I know Jesus is your passion and all that but can’t you leave Jesus behind for like, 1 month?
Me (to Sheila): I’m engaged, you’re engaged, we’re all engaged and happy!
Mrs. Homrich: You’re engaged?!?
Miranda: I’m getting married in 3 hours.
Me: Oh, Hahahaha.
Miranda: No… seriously.
Me: Seriously, why are you following me around? Do you want my Swedish help to enter you into holy matrimony?
Michaela and Zebadaja: NO!
Leigh: Shake what your mama gave ya!
Leigh: Just look at her! Breast-mama. Her jugs are hanging out for the whole world to see.
Me: Leigh! You have holes in your pants! Letting your legs show for the whole world to see! Bad!
Me (to Sheila): Are you physically sick or mentally sick?
Me: My husband-to-be called me last night.
Mrs. Roland: Your husband-to-be?!
Me: Yes, my betrothed. It’s a tradition in Sweden, that every girl must marry on her 21st birthday. My mother fixed me up with this man when I was three years old. I was hoping she’d forgotten about it, but then he calls me up and says he’s sending the ring over.
Mrs. Roland: Oh my God, I never knew they did that in Sweden. I figured, maybe Saudi Arabia, but Sweden?
Me: Yeah, we Swedish people might seem all liberal but deep down we’re very traditional.
Zorrell: Do you know that ‘gullible’ is not a word anymore?
Me: Really?
Zorrell: Yeah, they just took it out of the dictionary and decided it wasn’t a word anymore.
Me: That’s so weird.
Derrick: Sofia, you should join track. It’ll be fun.
Sofia: Yeah, right, my brain’s already broken; I don’t need a broken leg as well.
Me: Oh my god, I have some good news about plane tickets-
Sheila: I started my period.
Me: Aah! OH MY GOSH! Congratulations!
Ana: Leigh, are you eating for two again?
Leigh: No! I am eating for Lyn. She needs it.
Lyn: Hey!
Leigh: That’s just great. Lyn will stay skinny forever and I’ll get fat.
Leigh: I am being really healthy today.
Me: You’re eating loads of broccoli in melted cheese.
Leigh: So?
Me: There’s a difference between stupid and naïve and normal.
Lyn: Yeah, cause here in America when you’re naïve, you’re stupid. But in Sweden when you’re stupid, you’re normal.
Me: Exactly! Wait… what?
Me: We’re talking about Moses, my dog.
Leigh: Wait, you have Moses in your country but you don’t have Jesus?
Noah: It’s a gift from God.
Me: Gee, wish I had a gift from God hehe.
Carla: When I read Harry Potter I lock myself in my room and then I read the book out loud in a British accent.
Me: Woman, you are weird.
Taylor (hugging Ethan): Look Sofia, I am stealing your husband.
Me: You… home wrecker!Ethan: Honey…
Me: We’re getting a divorce.
Kirstin (to me): Your parents aren’t married? But then how can your Dad be your Dad?
Me: Kirstin, I’m gonna have to educate you.
Derrick: You actually did your homework?
Me: Um, yeah. I am proud of myself. Everybody cheated.
Derrick: I cheated.
Me: Gee, there’s a surprise.
Derrick: What’s that supposed to mean?
Me: You’re a cheater.
Me (to Leigh): Oh my god, you can not make out against the Mexican car! You can not do anything like that in the car or against the car! The Mexican car is holy, dang it!
Me (to Leigh): I so do not want to hear you babble about Seth’s hairy chest one more time.
Me (to Sheila): Okay, Jesus loves you. Jesus wants you to have fun. Jesus wants you to party.
Me: Sheila, are you lovesick?
Kirstin: You’re an artist.
Me: I prefer to be called bohemian.
Me: Lyn, I think we’re gonna have to have an intervention.
Lyn: With whom? Sheila or Noah?
Me: Both. You grab Sheila and I’ll shake some sense into Noah.
Me (to Mr Harmon, the Choir teacher): Oh my god, I need to get out of here. Give me a pass to the library. I can not go back into that choir room and sit and listen to Jared and Chris discuss their penises.
Lyn: Did you have Mountain Dew today?
Me: No… I don’t think.
Sheila: I think she had Mountain Dew.
Me: Here comes the Brookie monster.
Brooke: What did she say?
Me (looks at Noah and Sheila): I love love.
Me: So how much do you know about Sheila’s doctor visit?
Noah: I don’t know, she just said that she was going to a female doctor.
Me: Hm. That sounds suspicious.
Me: I just got called ma’am! Mrs Yocum just called me ma’am! Ma’am! I am not even legal yet!
Me: Oh, boo-hoo, poor little Derrick. The evil Swedish girl is being mean.
Derrick: Hey, I am the most sensitive guy in the world.
Me: I seriously doubt that.
Kirstin: Sofia, are you okay?
Me: I think I just broke my butt.
Ryan: Did you just cuss me out in Swedish?
Me:… No. (YES!)
onsdag 14 januari 2009
Back and Kicking!
Tänkte att det var dags för mej att dra mej ur min 3 månader-långa blog-koma. Idag verkade faktiskt vara det perfekta tillfället. Skolan slutade extra tidigt idag på grund av extremt snöoväder. Det är en stor chans att skolan är inställd imorgon också, tydligen ska det bli typ minus 20 grader. Mycket har hänt de senaste 3 månaderna, vissa saker jag också önskar inte hade hänt men jag är en tonåring så vad gör man? Älskar alla mina nya lektioner (favoriter: Novels (läser bara Harry Potter böcker haha) och Creative writing). Det är så underligt hur mycket man har vant sig vid allt, det kommer bli underligt att åka tillbaka till Sverige. Jag har äntligen vant mej vid maten också, haha.
Andra nyheter, Sheila kommer förmodligen med hem till Sverige i sommar så om du har läst mycket om henne och vill träffa henne, here’s your chance. Det är mycket jag vill skriva ner men jag är helt enkelt för lat för att skriva ner det, haha, även om jag inte ens skriver för hand. I helgen stack jag till Kokomo och shoppade lite och i söndags så bevittnade jag något extremt konstigt i en kyrka som Sheila tog mej till, det påminde mej lite om en exorcism faktiskt (tips: om du någonsin åker till USA så kom ihåg att det inte är smart att säga att du inte tror på Gud, dom tittar på dej som om du vore djävulens avkomma haha). Sedan träffade vi Lyn och vi kollade på Marley & Me, och vi alla tre bölade i slutet. I helgen ska jag träffa Nathan. Jag är trött nu. Detta tog mycket energi ur mej.
Detta är allt jag orkar skriva just nu så take it or leave it. See ya!
/ Sofia <3
Dagens roligaste citat:
Kirstin: So… was it a boy penis or a girl penis? (Mohahaha)
Andra nyheter, Sheila kommer förmodligen med hem till Sverige i sommar så om du har läst mycket om henne och vill träffa henne, here’s your chance. Det är mycket jag vill skriva ner men jag är helt enkelt för lat för att skriva ner det, haha, även om jag inte ens skriver för hand. I helgen stack jag till Kokomo och shoppade lite och i söndags så bevittnade jag något extremt konstigt i en kyrka som Sheila tog mej till, det påminde mej lite om en exorcism faktiskt (tips: om du någonsin åker till USA så kom ihåg att det inte är smart att säga att du inte tror på Gud, dom tittar på dej som om du vore djävulens avkomma haha). Sedan träffade vi Lyn och vi kollade på Marley & Me, och vi alla tre bölade i slutet. I helgen ska jag träffa Nathan. Jag är trött nu. Detta tog mycket energi ur mej.
Detta är allt jag orkar skriva just nu så take it or leave it. See ya!
/ Sofia <3
Dagens roligaste citat:
Kirstin: So… was it a boy penis or a girl penis? (Mohahaha)
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